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Bee Great and Beekeeping Education

Living Local WANE TV 15

Watch How You Can Use Honey All Day from Eats and Drinks to Coughs and Dry Skin Care!

Watch Bee Great on TV in Indianapolis!


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Bee Great featured on local TV station in Northeast Indiana:

Bee Great Indiana Grown

100% Hoosier!

Bee Great honey and skincare products are 100% Indiana! We are a proud family of beekeepers who guarantee our products are not imported, supplemented with out-of-state honey or beeswax, or produced outside Indiana through pollination services. Our bees live right here in Northeast Indiana, and that's where they stay! Only businesses certified and inspected to be Hoosier may carry the Indiana Grown label!


David was named one of approximately 200 Indiana Artisans in the entire State of Indiana for our Bee Great Indiana Whiskey Barrel Honey and a second time for our Rum Barrel Honey. He also serves on the Board of Indiana Artisan. Award winning honey you can trust!