We are two weeks into the New Year and many take this time to set New Year’s Resolutions and goals for the year ahead. More and more people are resolving to make healthier choices and develop healthier habits whether that is establishing an exercise routine, cutting out unhealthy habits, or making healthier food choices.
When making these health conscious choices more and more people are beginning to use honey as a sweetener as opposed to processed sugar. In fact, according to a 2020 study by the National Honey Board, more Americans than ever are making the switch to honey as their preferred sweetener. Honey actually claimed the top spot of the most commonly used sweeteners for the first time ever in this study!
So is honey actually a healthier alternative to its processed sugar counterpart? Research seems to indicate that it is!
Benefits of Honey Over Processed Sugar

So why exactly is honey edging out its processed competition? Unlike processed sugar, honey is not just a sweetener; it also offers other health and nutrient benefits that processed sugar doesn’t bring to the table.
Lower Glycemic Index
While both honey and processed sugar increase your blood sugar, honey has a lower glycemic index which means it is less likely to lead to big spikes in blood sugar and is gentler on the body since it is a slower, more gradual increase in blood sugar levels
Unlike the empty calories of sugar, honey is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to the body and your health.
Healing Properties
Honey is naturally antibacterial. It has been shown to be useful in wound healing and combating infections. In contrast, processed sugar, especially when consuming too much of it, has been shown to promote inflammation in the body which can lead to more disease and illness. Parasites often feed off of sugar as well.
Supports the Environment
Choosing honey also supports the environment and the work of honeybees which is so crucial to our planet. Approximately 1/3 of the world’s food depends on honeybee pollination!
Flavor Profile
Honey is made by honeybees harvesting nectar from various flowers and trees. This means the honey is a unique palette of flavor influenced by the flowers and trees the bees visited. Processed sugar fails to bring this variety of flavor and is very “one-note”by comparison.
We think all of these are great reasons to consider honey next time you are looking for a sweetener! Do you prefer honey to other sweeteners?